
This company came highly recommended to us by both our venue and our caterer and we couldn’t have been happier! I’ve been to a bunch of weddings where there was a DJ but no one was dancing. That’s not what we got- everyone was on their feet from the...


Dave Beck was the DJ for our wedding day, and he did a great job as MC during the day of. He was very conscientious about making sure our names were pronounced correctly and that everything was timed perfectly during our ceremony. Our big qualm with him was the...


Great vendor! Perfect for the couple who isnt looking for your usual, chicken dance, electric slide type DJ!  


No Macarena DJs were a great addition to our wedding vendor team. Kim was great at explaining the process to us, as we had not hired a DJ for an event before. She then put us in touch with Dave who was our DJ. He was able to put us at ease with his experience and he...


Our DJ did exactly as we asked, then had the good sense to switch it up when our playlist wasn’t working. They are professional, totally un-cheesy, sounded great and kept the party hopping! They’re relatively expensive, but worth it!